Mobile devices

Live updates and communication with your drivers. Drivers can use their own devices or yours. Crittah runs on all Apple devices and Android devices. The App is free to install.


Stay connected and save time with Crittah's easy mobile app.

Stay connected and save time with Crittah's easy mobile app.


Logistical management

Crittah is designed to allow you to review your fleet in real time and manage their jobs effectively.

Real time job updates — that should keep the fleet on track.

Real time job updates — that should keep the fleet on track.


Job management

In a flick of the finger your drivers can see what they have on for their shift and the order it is to be completed in.

Optimise driver capacity and fleet utilisation.

Optimise driver capacity and fleet utilisation.


Route management

Design your routes that best meets the demand of your client base and whats best is you can do it from one place globally!

Save time and money by using the quickest, simplest way to complete a journey.

Save time and money by using the quickest, simplest way to complete a journey.


Geospatial reporting

Display customers by type on a map to view your market penetration. Illustrate jobs by weight or number of items on the map to show visual market penetration.

See where your customers are concentrated and discover your growth opportunities.

See where your customers are concentrated and discover your growth opportunities.


Invoice management

Create your own invoice immediately after a job is complete from a template and mail it straight away, even on the spot.

Speed up cash flow using Crittah's quick invoicing capability.

Speed up cash flow using Crittah's quick invoicing capability.

Product feature summary

GeneralManaged software as a service (SaaS)
High available system2
Backup and Restore of data
Secure customer data isolation from other customer data3
Driver tracking
Shift planning
Job Control centre
Job Templates
Shift Templates
Company Reporting
Geospatial Reporting
iContact marketing email integration1
Online support4
Free iPhone App
Free iPad App
Free Android App
JobsConfigure multiple job types
Configure custom fields for each job types
Proof Of Delivery (Signature on device or photo with Geographical position of POD)
Turn by turn directions for job location
Notes on jobs
Re-Occurring templates
CustomersManage customers
Customer reports
Customer Notes
Attach documents
Geospatial reporting of customer location and activity
ContactManage customers
Customer reports
Customer Notes
Attach documents
Geospatial reporting of customer location and activity
Vehicle/FleetManage Vehicles
Insurance/Registration and service reminders
Vehicle checklist
Vehicle history report including photo damage records
DriverDriver information management
Driver Notes
Driver license expiry reminders
Invoice/ReceiptsGenerate Receipts and Invoices
Export Invoice/Receipt data
MYOB integration
Drill down reporting
Inventory ManagementManage inventory
Set cost/sale price and quantities in stock

1. iContact is an email marketing solution that can be purchased separately from  Crittah will integrate with iContact seamlessly to upload all contact information to send out professional marketing campaign emails.

2. Availability is guaranteed at 99.5% of up time, excluding planned maintenance that is communicated with the customer 5 business days prior to commencement of maintenance.  If your system is not available for more than 99.5%, Crittah will refund a portion of your monthly service fee.  The refund is calculated via a proration for the amount of time the system was unavailable rounded up to the nearest hour.

3. At Crittah we take security seriously.  Crittah has been built to ensure each customer has their data isolated in a separate database.  This ensures that there is no risk of your data being accessed by a competitor using the same service.

4. Support is provided online through the application or direct from the Crittah web site.  A CSR (Customer Service Representative) will contact you if detailed information or help is required.